Внук Мохаммеда Али подался в модели

The grandson of a recently deceased boxer Muhammad Ali 17-year-old Biagio Ali Walsh went into the modeling business. The guy who predicted a great future in the sport, has signed a contract with modeling Agency Wilhelmina Models and now will be showcasing his talents on the field and on the podium and set.

Внук Мохаммеда Али подался в модели

The decision to become a model Biagio surprised his family, because the youngest years he was engaged in football and has achieved in this field considerable heights: Ali Walsh was considered the best player of his school and even got a scholarship to continue studies in a specialized College. Biagio has repeatedly stressed that his famous grandfather was for him the best example in achieving their goals, his idol, he tried never to fail, wanted to justify his hopes.

Note that the fact that Ali Walsh went into modeling, does not mean a work stoppage in the sport. Biagio can combine the two occupation, as do many athletes, movie stars, music, etc.

Biagio Ali Walsh the son of Ali Rashid name, daughter of Mohammed Ali from his second marriage. Only Ali was married four times, he has seven daughters and two sons.

After the death of a legend they all have to fight over the estate, according to Forbes, the status of Ali is estimated at $ 50 million.

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