Девочку, озвучивающую «Дашу-следопыта» исключили из элитной школы за курение

And where the Shoe was?? The parents of Fatima Ptacek Nadia Leonelli and Frederick Sandall accuse the leadership of the elite schools in Manhattan bias. The young actress, in a voice which says “Dasha –researcher” (Dora in original) from the educational cartoon was expelled from school, tuition in which her parents paid 40 thousand dollars for that.. smoked in the toilet at school.

In December last year senior, with whom were friends of Fatima, lent her an electronic cigarette, which is a fifteen year old girl and smoked in the toilet of an educational institution. Learning of this, the school management decided to eliminate Ptacek. The girl, as it happens at her age, just wanted to seem older and cool, especially because she’s almost a celebrity. An animated film called “Dasha-researcher” shown around the world.
Parents Pricec wonder why the electronic cigarette indulgence the school administration went to such drastic measures, especially in cigarette was just caramel water.
In addition to tuition the parents of Fatima has spent 10 thousand dollars on legal fees and are willing to go to the end to prove his innocence and return 40 thousand dollars.

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