Бывшая жена Александра Серова хочет найти могилу дочки Elena came to the Studio of the program “the Destiny of man” with the YouTube Koschevnikovi. She said ex-wife at all unpleasant expressions. And told that wants to understand the death of their first child.
Бывшая жена Александра Серова хочет найти могилу дочки

Elena said in a broadcast that the first daughter who was born without a hand, she had seen only once, when you had her. At the hospital she had not received any documents for the child, and at the funeral of a little girl to attend are unable due to poor health. The ex-wife of singer recalled how she had spent her pregnancy.

“Remember the other day when told him that you’re expecting. We were in the Studio, then went to the kitchen, drink tea, eat, then I tell him quietly in his ear: “Sasha, I’m pregnant”. After my ads began this crazy care, custody. I bathed in all this, I was happy it too,” shared Elena.

A woman stood on the account in female consultation. The first analyses did not reveal a future child any abnormalities. “Everything went great, the doctors did the first ultrasound. Pregnancy I didn’t even feel I was doing fine. Alexander voiced that, well, I poisoned child that the baby was not his… How can you say such a thing! It’s terrible,” said the woman.

According to Helena, during the whole pregnancy the doctors didn’t tell her that the fetus has any problems. Alexander especially for the couple found one of the best obstetricians and gynecologists.

“I remember she was in labor. Sasha that day were going on tour, and I am in such a mood was strange, joyful. He left, but I felt that something is wrong- women will understand. Called the doctor, he said, “Lena, immediately going to the hospital”. My water broke. The clinic did a painful prick in the back, then I blacked out. Don’t know anymore, but when I woke up, hearing my obstetrician shouts: “don’t show, don’t show her pregnant! Lena, everything’s fine!..” And again the prick, again I did not. I woke up in the house,” – said Serov.

According to the memoirs of women, at the moment she was approached by her doctor and reported that she had no brush on one of the arms. “The first thing was shock. How not? Why? When I brought it the first time, she was incredibly beautiful and absolutely did not cry. Of course, I did not have to feed her… I held her hands and sobbed…” – after these words, Elena had a tantrum in the Studio program.

Elena added that on the day of the birth of her first daughter, Alexander immediately returned from a tour. The singer was in seventh heaven from happiness that he became a father. Only houses close to the actor told the terrible news – the baby has no hand, in addition to this, the doctors diagnosed the girl the threshold of the heart. Serov came to the hospital to see his wife. “I was so bad I felt that he was worried, too. We hugged and cried. We hurt for our baby. I do not remember myself the first days, the third was discharged from the hospital. We began to go to hospitals to find doctors who would help the child. I could not think of anything to say, nothing he could understand. And then a few months I really don’t remember… Let’s take a break”, – said Elena to the host.

The baby lived for five days. That girl was gone, the family said the doctor, he called to the house Serov. The phone was answered Alexander, Handsfree Elena heard: “Your baby died”.

“Sasha supported me, tried to distract. He took me with him on tour, but everything was a blur. I was standing in the audience or backstage and heard that he has so many lyrics about love, break the soul… And when you’ve got all torn apart, it is difficult to convey how you feel. I felt sorry for him and myself,” shared Elena.

The woman reported that even do not have time to give the name of the girl. The funeral of a little girl doing her mom. She refused to tell Elena where the relics of her firstborn. “Of course, I was plagued by thoughts… If I haven’t seen the grave, maybe my baby alive. I had Sasha directly to ask, but I was scared. I blame that brought this matter to an end. Not buried child with your own hands. Just didn’t know how it is… I was constantly in some kind of oblivion, repeating a single phrase: “I want a daughter, give me now the daughter,” recalled Elena.

A year later the woman got pregnant again. Soon, the light appeared Michelle. However, the relations in the star family began to deteriorate rapidly. Alexander told the mother that allows the first daughter was not his. “This is my mother announced after a long time. She said that Alexander threw her a sentence: “he may not be sick children.” And, they say, the doctor at the hospital told him that the child was deliberately poisoned. On hand I have not had all the necessary documents, references, they would help me to know the truth. That’s why I say that the fault is not seen, do not ask…” said the woman.

On a talk show Elena said that he doubted the death of the first daughter. She promised to find the grave of the girl. In her opinion, the death of the baby, which lived for five days, there are many inaccuracies and hidden facts.

Serov added that he feels for her ex-husband warm feelings. She is happy with her new lover and doesn’t want a relationship with Alexander. “Michelle knew that she had a sister. I told you when she was 13 years old. From the life of this defendant. With Sasha we normally communicated, I even helped him after the divorce, nothing bad happened. Then I waited for his apology, I still have feelings back then. Only three years after the breakup, when I met a new man, my love for Alexander died. If he now suffers, so can’t let go. What Sasha does it all, speaks today? I wish him well, so he has had a daughter Michelle, she loves my dad. I wish Alexander a huge, strong health, so he finally let me go,” admitted Elena.