Сын Игоря Талькова мечтал уйти из жизни вслед за отцом The young musician recalled how he spent his childhood. According to Igor Talkov Jr., he had periods when I did not want to live. After his father’s death the family was split. His mother didn’t know what to do next.
Сын Игоря Талькова мечтал уйти из жизни вслед за отцом

Igor Talkov Jr. continued his father’s work. The musician said that he has toured with his band “Mirumir” on cities of Russia. Their group stands as original compositions, and hits of Igor Talkov senior. Every year on the anniversary of the death of the artist, October 6, his son gives a concert in “Anniversary” in St.-Petersburg.

“I all life trying to prove: nature rests on children and that the father I do not deserve. Don’t agree with the role imposed on me. I saw Nikita Vysotsky broke, repeating every time that his father was a genius. And Nikita is also a great actor,” said talc.

According to the musician, it was difficult to postpone the death of a loved one. Igor saw the suffering of the mother.

“After his father’s death happened in the family division. Uncle grandmother abruptly plunged into Orthodoxy, and my mother… for 12 years They lived together, she used to be for him. She’s just confused,” recalled Igor.

As recognized by talc, then he got my mom’s freedom, and it knew street life. Then he lived in other family members. According to Igor, sometimes it was visited by a very strange thought.

“And my grandmother with uncle Volodya, on the contrary: at five in the morning I get up, on an empty stomach we go on foot to the temple. Service, confession, communion. Me there is so zashugannyh! Remember, I had a dream: to get out of the temple, slip and die, so I was afraid of both God and the devil. Started to grow up, ask questions, and began to study history. Human beings are quite lazy. Few people want to get to the truth: for you have thought, and you were born from the same parents, for whom everything is decided. They’ll implement in this society. You don’t have time to think for himself – you are constantly being fed other people’s thoughts” – told talc.

Igor admits that he refused the profile of higher music education as they teach solely theory. The leader of the group “Mirumir” trying to create music by listening that, people will think. In his opinion, it is because of this format it is not invited to major concerts. “With show business, I became friends with the beginning of “zero” years old when he released his first album, I hoped that he will help me to take the big stage. But you need to sign contracts with the dealers for which you are the product and are subject to their terms: what to sing, what to say in an interview. Say, “Put on your pink tights” – and you must do it, otherwise get at a large penalty…” – said talc in an interview with “Komsomolskaya Pravda”.