Первый канал закрывает скандальное шоу с Ольгой Бузовой The TV people are going to say goodbye to the project “Babi revolt”. Informed transmission had disappeared from broadcasting, and its pages in social networks there was a message on the transfer time of output of the project on the air.
Первый канал закрывает скандальное шоу с Ольгой Бузовой

On Wednesday, the program “women’s revolt” has disappeared from broadcasting. Project staff wrote that the time of broadcast is changing, and the next issue will be broadcast on Monday, December 11. The reasons why there are such permutations, the representatives of the TV show reported, citing reasons beyond their circumstances.

As a result, 6 Dec place, “Indian revolt” in the broadcasting schedule shafting “Time will tell”.

As it became known “StarHit”, a show hosted by Olga Buzova, Tatyana Vasilyeva, Yulia Baranovskaya, Sofiko Shevardnadze and Tatiana Vasilieva Elena Abitaeva, and is going to close.

The first issue of the new project, called the women’s answer “ProjectorParisHilton”, aired on 27 November at 12:15. “The daily news talk show “womanish revolt” is a female perspective on everything that happens in the world. Five women-with different fate and different views on life will gather at the same table to see the flow of news is most interesting and relevant. The program “womanish revolt” not only tell about what is happening in the world, but explain why this is happening,” – said in a press release.

Since the premiere of the new project the focus was leading different events and characters. In the program discussed the conflict Dana Borisova with her ex-husband, Roman Prokhor Chaliapin and a new life of Evelina Bledans after a divorce. In addition, the issues of the program was devoted to high-profile news on socio-political issues – claims of the IOC to the Russian athletes and shocking story in the suburban Naro-fomisk, when the parents are suspected of beating two-month-baby.

Rumors that Olga Buzova got the job on the First channel, went a long time. Initially, the TV crew did not confirm this information, referring to the fact that we can talk about the filming of the pilot releases. Only at the end of November there was an official message in which he confirmed information about the new project.

Dentist Igor Lemberg, speaking as an expert in one of the first releases of the project remained impressed by his leading. “Four ladies furiously and inherent passion discussed political and world news with invited experts, specialists and twelve angry men. The pressure and energy of the leading ladies making the format and style of transmission is unforgettable, and sometimes subglobosum,” said an expert in Instagram.