Отец Линдси Лохан заявил, что Егор Тарабасов пытался убить его дочь

The father of Lindsay Lohan got back up to her defense. Michael Lohan decided to tell the truth about the relationship with the daughter of the Russian major Egor Tarasovym and admitted that the 23-year-old boy even wanted to kill the Hollywood star.

“He grabbed my daughter by the arms and throat. Her friends said that after that she was covered in bruises. I thought he’d at least call me and apologize for it, but he didn’t,” said the man.

Michael also confirmed rumors over the last couple of weeks has spread in the Internet space that Tarasov used Lohan to become closer to the world of show business. We will remind, it was reported that Egor wanted to be a personal agent Lindsay, but that, to his regret, did not happen: “He used my daughter to lead a secular lifestyle. I have no idea, rich or poor, but I do know that the majority of accounts paid for Lindsay, and their joint visit was at this level due to its name.”

We will remind, journalists managed to find out that in fact Tarasov – not representative of “Golden youth”, but rather an ordinary middle-class London standards.

Earlier it was reported that Egor is involved in real estate. Supposedly it helps the rich clients to buy or sell a house/flat/estate, etc. today, the Agency Tarabarova not functioning, and clients complain that they can’t contact Home House Estates (the so-called Agency Tarabarova — Approx. Ed.).

By the way, the business Tarabarova not so successful, as discussed earlier. In fact, Yegor managed to crank out only a few transactions of purchase and sale, each of which was worth no more than £ 1 million. On the basis of the fees a real estate agent (2% of the amount sold object), Yegor on each sale earn up to 20 thousand pounds.