Отец Децла требует провести ДНК-тест для внука: семья до сих пор не может поделить наследство

Отец Децла требует провести ДНК-тест для внука: семья до сих пор не может поделить наследство

On the night of 3 February 2019 in Izhevsk died Russian rapper Decl. The singer performed at a private event then he abruptly became ill. After the death of Cyril Tolmatsky in his family there was a strong conflict. Wife, Julia tolmatsky and father of Alexander Tolmatsky are unable to divide property that is left after Cyril. Because of the strong quarrel Julia even banned decl parents to communicate with their only grandson, Anthony. For this reason, Alexander suspected that the grandson may not be native to it, therefore, requires to conduct the examination.

Recently Alexander Tolmatsky gave an interview on the TV show of Andrei Malakhov. According to him, the son died not because of a drug overdose, but because of nervous exhaustion. Cyril was always unhappy next to Julia, and was very worried about it. The man is sure that a busy schedule and endless quarrels in the family have died at such a young age.

After Cyril died, my father decided to join the right of inheritance. At one point he saw the birth certificate of his grandson and his surprise knew no limits. In the column “the father”, there were no data, that is, by law, Cyril Tolmatsky is not the father of Anthony. So at the moment it requires Julia to do a DNA test to confirm kinship only grandchild.

Alexander admitted that never before could not even think about the fact that Anthony is not the mother of his son. After all, Cyril was madly in love with it from the cradle it walked, fed, watered and played with. However, for some reason, the count is left blank, it is unknown.

Father decl argues that Julia strongly inhibits the child’s relationship with grandparents. The widow said that the parents of her deceased husband, after the death of his son immediately changed all the locks in the house and left her with a child on the street.

Alexander argues that in fact, Julia herself had Packed everything and went out of their joint home. Mother-in-law widow really changed one lock, but the key is immediately given to Julia. And at the moment the woman sued for child support after the loss of a breadwinner, and urge the parents of a deceased spouse to act as defendants. Alexander doesn’t mind paying the money to help his grandson, but the only thing he wants from a sister — test to the relationship. Father Cyril assures that love less boy, he would not, even if that appears not native to him.

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