Экс-солистка SEREBRO представила любимого родителям Daria Shashina and Ivan Chebanov was presented to the relatives of each other. Lovers love these meetings, and, apparently, their relationship is getting more serious. The couple said “StarHit”, how to divide a joint life and when we see them in the registry office.

      For many, the Union’s 26-year-old ex-member of the group SEREBRO Daria Casinoi and 29-year-old singer Vani chebanova, remembered by the audience thanks to the show “the Voice” was a real surprise. However, the lovers quite a long time to build the relationship and, it seems, they are serious. As it turned out, Dasha and Vanya already introduced each other to parents.

      The ex-soloist SEREBRO about the boyfriend: “happiness, I burst into tears and threw herself on his neck”

      The first appointment with the family spoke Chebanov. The young musician offered his beloved a trip to Barnaul, where he was scheduled to speak. In his native town and was an acquaintance Casinoi with his parents.

      “Vanya incredible mother, a magic grandmother, grandfather and sister. From her hair is almost knee-length and blonde, I usually never jealous, but here…Want the same!” – said Dasha.

      After this memorable visit, the Dasha and Vanya decided to visit the hometown girls –Nizhniy Novgorod. However, meeting with her family is still held in Moscow.

      “Dashki interesting parents: father – musician, mother is a man who lives in his interesting world. This woman is so preoccupied with planting trees, everything the earth is now very rarely seen in people and it’s nice to see that Dashki same spirit and views,” said Ivan.

      The boys also planted trees, in the family plot. Two black pines and cedars more than twenty, standing now at the house Shchinah, became a kind of symbol of love and a strong bond for the young.

      It is interesting that the lovers have been living together, and they know what a joint life. All the difficulties commonly encountered by couples, they have already successfully completed. However, the Registrar Dasha and Vanya are not in a hurry.

      “This should be approached with all responsibility, – has explained to Shashina. – You need to gain life experience. For example, a guy’s gotta live for yourself, to see, to communicate all the same with different girls, to stew in some stories. In the case of a girl, I think you should first take a good look at this life, to share with children. Therefore, we are not in a hurry, time is.”