Экс-супруг Леры Кудрявцевой рассказал, как она вымаливала ребенка Sergey Linuk explained that the presenter really wanted a second baby. For a long time Kudryavtseva could not give the baby to her husband Igor Makarov. She begged the higher powers of the addition to the family.
Экс-супруг Леры Кудрявцевой рассказал, как она вымаливала ребенка

In a short time in the life of Lera Kudryavtseva happens happy event. The star is preparing to become a mother for the second time. Within a few years, Valerie and her husband Igor Makarov dreamed about the baby. Anyone familiar with the star, told me that she was going to work less and thinking about maternity leave. Kudryavtsev several times suspected pregnancy earlier, but the rumors were not confirmed.

Reporters contacted the ex-husband of the TV star, Sergey Lenycom. He worked as a drummer in the group “Tender may”. There had a son Jean. Recently it became known that Lenuka Jr. will soon have a baby. That is, Kudryavtseva are preparing to become a grandmother, and mom. Sergey said when they will happen both events.

“Our son is 28 years old is a normal age to become a father. But now is the time infantile people who believe that it is early. And we are of the opinion that even late in the day. Lera became a mother myself at age 18. Son and his girlfriend are getting married in a few months after birth. They lived together three or four years, they are all well, so it will just be a nominal step because of replenishment. A girl three years younger than Jean, independent, good girl, before the decree worked. How to name your unborn son, they haven’t decided yet. I was advised to look at the Church calendar and choose the name of the Saint whose memorial day falls on the day of delivery or close to it. And it would be his angel,” he admitted, Lenok.

Later, Sergei had another family. His son Andrew 8 years, but with the child’s mother, the musician does not live. “I’m willing to babysit with the grandson when he gets older. Andrei knows that he will have a nephew, and is looking forward to the birth of the baby,” said the former husband of Lera.

Lenyk and Kudryavtseva broke up in good terms, so he always wishes her only happiness.

“Probably, all women dream, that there were many children, and Valerie, as far as I know, is no exception. I think she asked a higher power of the second child, and God heard her. I sincerely worried that it was a wonderful experience, because after the divorce, which took place more than a quarter century ago, we have kept even friendships. Do not dissemble when I say that I wish Lera everything was fine in the family”, – said Sergey.

In an interview with “Antenna-Telesem” the ex-husband of Lera said that he approved of her choice of men, as it can rely on.