Старший сын Юлии Барановской снова выступил в Большом театре
Artem Arshavin has taken part in Opera.

Старший сын Юлии Барановской снова выступил в Большом театре

Yulia Baranovskaya with her son Artem

Photo: from personal archive of Yulia Baranovskaya

11-year-old son of Julia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin once again left
on the main stage in the Opera “Billy Budd” by British composer Benjamin
Britten. This co-production of the Bolshoi theatre together with the English
national Opera and German Opera. To this formulation was successfully
shown in the most famous venues in the world, and first performed on
the stage of the Royal Opera house, Covent garden in London 67 years ago.

The Opera is in four acts takes place on Board
the British military ship “fearless”. Artem Arshavin plays the role of a cabin boy
this ship. The Opera is in English, which the son Baranovskaya know
a very good level.

Artem Arshavin

Photo: from personal archive of Yulia Baranovskaya / Lara Bardin

This is the first experience of participation Artem in Opera at the
the theatrical stage. Prior to that, he was the soloist of ensemble “Neposedy”
he participated in many pop concerts with stars of the local scene
in the Kremlin, the Rossiya concert hall, Crocus city hall and red square. And
very young age, while still in London, Tom attended classes in London
Drama School.

The mother of the young artist, TV presenter Yulia Baranovskaya encourages
the desire of his son: “I am very happy for their children, each of them
doing something that I can’t even realize it. Yana is a great dancer,
Artem has already conquered the stage of the Bolshoi, Arseniy plays perfectly in football. I
came for the premiere of “Billy Budd” and was shocked by the scale of my
son takes part. Full house and standing ovation, and Artem right in the middle of all
actors on the bows. This is incredible!”