Алена Хмельницкая пережила страшный период
The Frank recognition of the actress in an interview with the magazine “Caravan of stories”.

Alena Khmelnitskaya

Photo: Alexander Vasilyev

Recalling his past, Alena Khmelnitskaya is still not
could understand what was going on with her for six months at the time when she
turned 30 years old. “Now, many write about it. Psychologists say that
through the personal crisis at that age is almost every
woman. It is believed that it is associated with false installation of thirty years as
a certain stage, approaching which, you need all of yourself to understand and feel
absolutely Mature. It is not that at all, because, they say, occurs
a feeling of dissatisfaction with life. Don’t know if the psychologists are right, but I was
are unhappy with themselves — that’s for sure,” — said Alena.

“The funny thing is: when thirty friends began telling me about danger, I just laughed. And after about six months started! It’s like being covered by a black wave. For several months my head was clearly not in order. Probably played the role of uncertainty in career: as time went on, years went, but I almost starred. I wanted to change, to alter, but to alter yourself, others, life did not understand and could not explain.

Women have inner experiences often result in paranoia,
associated with the weight. I again decided to lose weight and achieved unprecedented success:
literally went into minus skin and bones. ‘ve never been — neither before nor
after. Some friends began to show concern about my physical
condition, but the details to find out was afraid something serious? So
lasted a few bleak months, but one day I just emerged from
this as suddenly as it plunged. All returned to normal. What was it —
remained a mystery”.

Completely exclusive
an interview with Alena Khmelnytsky about his personal life, about children, about the profession of read here>>