Платье, в котором Мэрилин Монро пела «Happy Birthday» президенту, выставлено на аукцион

Sex symbol of the last century, Marilyn Monroe can be called the founder of a fashion on “naked dresses”. The actress was one of the first who came out in the dress that was obscenely blatant, besides did not on ordinary movie premiere, and on the birthday of U.S. President John F. Kennedy. We will remind, then in MadisonSquare Garden Kennedy celebrated his 45th anniversary.

Dress, embroidered with 2500 crystals as performed by Ms. Monroe song “Happy Birthday” I remember many still. Congratulations Marilyn added fuel to the fire of rumors about her romance with Kennedy, but three months later, Monroe died, taking this secret to the grave.

Now to be a part of this moment in history, anyone can.

Dress Marilyn for sale by the auction house Julien’s. Auction will be held on November 17, 2016 in Los Angeles. Its starting price yet is not called.

Recall that the current owner of the outfit in 1999 has laid out for him 1.267.000$.