Врач хотел отправить Александра Збруева в психбольницу On March 31 the national artist of Russia celebrates its anniversary. Alexander Zbrueva was 80 years old. The star of theatre and film was bombarded with greetings family and fans. On the eve of the birthday, the actor has shared with “StarHit” the funny case of life.
Врач хотел отправить Александра Збруева в психбольницу

It is not a problem to use in the performance even of the living African elephant – the budget allows. But in the ‘ 90s with the money in the theater, as elsewhere, was tight: most of the scenery filmmakers and actors had to make almost alone. For example, to appeared on the scene the woods, took large sheets of plywood and paper. On paper, I drew the trees and then attached them to a wooden beam, propped up with a piece of timber. Instead of live horses heroes saddled horses of papier-mâché. At theatre “Lenkom” still kept these masterpieces. And the actor Alexander Zbruev jokes that easily “molded” like decorations in a few days. On the eve of the anniversary of March 31, the actor turns 80 years old – he remembered how once improvised a horse almost cost him his life.

“In the theater in 1996 put the play on the work by Edward Radzinsky “the Last night of the last Tsar,” recalls the actor. – Played with Eugene Mironov, Michael Ulyanov, Irina Kupchenko. I was given the role of Emperor Nicholas II, on the next run I made-up: Nalepa beard and thick eyebrows, wearing a military uniform… this king did not distinguish! But Irina got the role of the Queen, wife of the Emperor.

Врач хотел отправить Александра Збруева в психбольницу

In the story, we had to climb the stairs located at the side scene, on the dais. There waited a huge horse made of papier-mache, which are required to ride to throw a leg and is effectively down. At first all went well: turned out to be in the spotlight, ready… But I forgot that horses are not steel, and cardboard! Kidding, just was feeling it a hundred percent and decided to stick his foot in the stirrup. The horse was very light and, of course, did not survive. Banked and literally threw me – we have head over heels rolled down on steps! Horse, made to last, not even cracked. But I still fell several times and hit his head. Landed on the stage, touched his head, feeling blood. Cried out: “Guys, urgently call the doctor!” Rehearsal stopped.

Colleagues rushed, was taken to the dressing room, poured hydrogen peroxide on the wound. Distinctly remember: walk could. Even realize that the wound is shallow, though, and pulsed. The doctors came quickly and took me to the hospital. The first thing the doctor said on the spot: “Jeez, maybe he should be in a mental hospital?” At first did not understand why such a harsh and unfriendly attitude. Was outraged, saying, what are you doing I for help came. But just remember that clothes do not change!

Врач хотел отправить Александра Збруева в психбольницу

In the story, we had to climb the stairs located at the side scene, on the dais. There waited a huge horse made of papier-mache, which are required to ride to throw a leg and is effectively down. At first all went well: turned out to be in the spotlight, ready… But I forgot that horses are not steel, and cardboard! Kidding, just was feeling it a hundred percent and decided to stick his foot in the stirrup. The horse was very light and, of course, did not survive. Banked and literally threw me – we have head over heels rolled down on steps! Horse, made to last, not even cracked. But I still fell several times and hit his head. Landed on the stage, touched his head, feeling blood. Cried out: “Guys, urgently call the doctor!” Rehearsal stopped.

Colleagues rushed, was taken to the dressing room, poured hydrogen peroxide on the wound. Distinctly remember: walk could. Even realize that the wound is shallow, though, and pulsed. The doctors came quickly and took me to the hospital. The first thing the doctor said on the spot: “Jeez, maybe he should be in a mental hospital?” At first did not understand why such a harsh and unfriendly attitude. Was outraged, saying, what are you doing I for help came. But just remember that clothes do not change!

Врач хотел отправить Александра Збруева в психбольницу