Рождение первенца Джанет Джексон отпраздновала.. жертвоприношением

The birth of a child is always a big holiday for the family, especially if the baby is long awaited. But newborn Issa, the son of a fifty-year-old Janet Jackson and her husband Wissam al Mana, became an Apple of contention for the parents. So, relatives pop star was unpleasantly shocked by the fact that in honor of the birth of the child Janet and her husband brought a blood sacrifice.

The boy was born on January 3, and we already know that he was baptized immediately according to Muslim traditions. According to the source, as soon as the child was born, Wissam whispered in his ear the word “adán” (“Adhan”), which means that from now on for his son Allah is the only God, and Mohammed is the only prophet.

“After that, Wissam touched the flesh of the sweet fruit of the mouth of Issa, that he inherited the best traits of her parents, particularly her father. To thank Allah according to Muslim tradition, they sacrificed a sheep or a goat” — said the insider, and the last fact was the most shocking thing of the relatives of Janet, which were far from similar traditions.
Jackson married Qatari billionaire in 2012, and gradually converted to Islam, that had an impact on her stage costumes. Janet increasingly began to wear women’s Muslim clothing and her costumes previously very Frank, have become very modest. Now in her songs you can often hear Islamic words, and his last concerts Janet finishes with the words “If Allah is willing.”
We will remind that earlier it was reported that Janet wanted to name his firstborn in honour of his famous brother Michael, but Wissam rejected the proposal, because the name for the firstborn, according to al Mana, should be Muslim, not Christian. he did not agree on a second name. Relatives of Janet was shocked by the unpleasant tenacity of a brother-in-law, especially since the whole family has long been adherents of the sect of Jehovah’s Witnesses, but the singer supported the decision of her husband and showed them, what values his opinion above the opinions of their relatives.