Татьяна Волосожар и Максим Траньков дали дочери греческое имя
Last week, Olympic Champions became parents for the first time.

Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov

Photo: Philip Goncharov

Few days left from the glorified figure skaters Tatiana
Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov to come up with a name for their newborn daughter.
She was named Angelica. This Greek name means “messenger, angel”. By the way, the girl will wear a double surname Volosozhar-Trankov.

Their choice parents opted for a name that can
to be considered international. Because Tatiana and Maxim travel the world frequently,
speaking at competitions and demonstration programs. Of Course, Volosozhar
and Trankov will take in the future in the travel and daughter, as do
many family athletes.

The baby was born on February 16 in Hospital
Lapino “Mother and child”. Trankov was present at birth. “So many greetings,
so many calls, so many joyful and happy words. Thank you all, especially our doctor Sergey Igorevich the Arabajyan! To
now we still realize that it’s finally happened: Tanya steel
mom and dad sweet little girl. Must say all parents and all that
feel — your baby is the most beautiful thing that can happen to you.
No medals, no achievements, no pedestals, can’t even
to compete with the moment when you first hold your daughter!” —
admitted Maxim.