The singer admitted that she feels unbearable pain. Tatiana Ovsienko told that every minute waiting for the return of her beloved from prison. Beloved stars Alexander Merkulov is serving a sentence in Matrosskaya Tishina. The man accused of organizing the assassination of businessman.
At the end of August the beloved 49-year-old singer Tatyana Ovsienko Alexander Merkulov was behind bars. The man will spend in prison six months. Is serving a sentence Alexander on one of the floors of the famous Matrosskaya Tishina, in a place where contain accused of serious crimes. Only at the very end of winter, the chosen one pop diva will be free. Fiance Tatiana Ovsienko sentenced
About how she lives in separation from the beloved, Tatiana Ovsienko told the program “New Russian sensations” of NTV. She admitted that waiting for Alexander every minute. She constantly seems that now opens the door, he’ll come and she’ll say to him: “Hello, darling.”
“Separation is a thing very cruel, – hardly constraining tears, admitted Tatyana Ovsienko. – She is relentless. The inability to touch your loved one, to smell it… My life was turned on its head. I don’t understand how it is to live. I am very hurt, and pain comes. I am constantly crying and asking higher powers why as soon as I started to feel that love me, all of this happened?”
After the arrest of the beloved Tatiana began to live a recluse, it is not visible at social events, she had almost ceased to leave the house. It seems that her desperation has no limits.
The singer met with a businessman Alexander Merkulov in the Crimea in 2011. Their meeting took place on the seafront of Yalta after the morning run. It was love at first sight. Tatiana learned that her lover was arrested as a dangerous criminal, already back in Moscow. What accused Merkulov, was so unlike the man she had come to love.
“You have no idea how good he is, great, – said in an interview with the singer. – People of such kindness and soul of knowledge – the big rarity”.
Then the star has cancelled all concerts, touring and recording in the Studio and flew to the Crimea. For your favorite Tatiana Ovsienko hired the best lawyers. What it cost to go on stage at that time, the public were not even aware. All royalties from performances, the singer was spending on protection for Merkulova.
And when the beloved Ovsienko was transferred to Moscow, the singer was allowed to visit him. “It was through the glass, – says Tatiana. – It’s awful. See the man and touch him, to kiss him can’t. I couldn’t stop looking at him”. Knowing that in jail he pleased for a long time, Alexander Merkulov to the meeting, suggested Tatyana to leave forever.
“His first words were words that he loves me very much and I can’t deny nothing. Sasha asked me to make a decision about our future relations on their own,” says Ovsienko.
She did not deny. And now wants only one thing – about their meeting. Tatiana are even willing to change his famous surname to Merkulov and Ovsienko write like a stage name. And she admitted she wants a baby from a loved one. “I want to have a family and is willing to give Sasha a son or daughter. Now there are various possibilities”, – concluded the singer.