Татьяна Навка удивила снимком без макияжа The Olympic champion showed her natural beauty. Tatiana Navka posted a photo without makeup. Famous figure skater made touching the frame in the cabin.

      Tatiana Navka often pleases fans of scenes from my life in Instagram. Olympic champion and actively adds to a microblog in the social network new photos. A special delight of the fans caused fresh the stars.

      Tatiana took a selfie right in the cabin. On the skater not an ounce of makeup, her natural beauty. In addition, even the most attentive followers of the stars did not notice in the picture of photoshop and other photo editors. “And again I fly to you, my “Carmen”, – signed photo of Navka.

      “Was “Carmen” in Sochi! In admiration! Thank you to our great athletes and coaches for this masterpiece. Very cool and professional”, “Makeup – young and beautiful”, “Good boy, hard worker, love”, “You’re unbelievable, True and a little tired, but fine,” – commented Tatiana selfies her followers.

      It is not excluded that the secret of beauty of Tatyana that she tries to live life to the fullest. Navka lies late, but doesn’t get up at dawn. In the morning, she drinks tea in a peaceful atmosphere and reflects on the plans for the day. In addition, the skater often visit the Russian bath, where carefully steamed. In the evenings she likes to spend time with family or friends.

      With regard to corporate events, the Pastor agrees on them is extremely rare, although offers received a lot. It focuses on what the company is and not on the size of the fee. Basically Tatiana prefers sports or children’s activities.

      Tatiana Navka: “In a bad mood I move furniture”

      “I love it when I have free time to wander alone along the embankments of Moscow or to take a walk in the forest to hear the sounds, inhale the smells… Sometimes, somewhere in a field, look up and thank God for that clear sky, in every moment of life – for all that I have… of Course, with friends meet. Selected restaurants – I especially like the ones on the quays, with beautiful views of the river… I Like to eat! Pamper yourself with dishes of Italian, Georgian, Japanese and of course Russian cuisine. But most of the output so you just want to get home on the couch, wrapped in a blanket and read,watch, like all TV,” admits the star “StarHit”.