Татьяна Африкантова о свадьбе дочери: «Она часто выходит замуж, я не верю в этот брак» Star telestroke believes that her daughter too many times married, arranging such informal events. However, before this marriage, it never came. According to Tatyana Africanoboi, Marina may have a lot of time to reconsider and formalize the relationship with Roman.

On Sunday, the participants “House-2”, 30-year-old Marina Afrikantov and 19-year-old Roman Capably, and got married in the Seychelles. The ceremony was attended by other heroes of the “Island of love”. The young man made a proposal of marriage to his girlfriend in June of this year. They dreamed about such a ceremony on the ocean, but will sign the stars of the reality at the registry office after returning home, remains a mystery.

Marina chose for the ceremony long dress with open shoulders, which accentuated her figure, rejecting the traditional attire of the bride. Newly made spouses have congratulated the participants of the TV show and fans. But the girl’s mother admitted that he had not even seen the celebration.

Marina Afrikantov and Roman Kapakli got married in the Seychelles

“Marina was very much distressed that I have not watched the ceremony. And I said to her, “You’re getting married, that I do not believe it, wedding or no wedding. If you’re doing a test, then he did not want the real thing.” She has twice did so, and in the third: it is necessary either to marry or to leave it,” said Tatyana in an interview with “StarHit”.

According to mother, Marina, a girl may change his mind and not to register the relationship with Roman. Africanoboi-senior no negative attitude to Kapakli. It seems that he is a great fit for the role of father to the unborn baby Marina. “He’s a beautiful guy, and such can give birth to a child. It’s better than with a rich nose. Young Roma and non-drinker, accordingly, all will be already normal to him. To conceive a baby need from a healthy, normal man,” said Tatiana.

The former participant “Houses-2” can not say how sincere it feels novel to her daughter. Afrikantov believes that during the project all methods are good to get famous: get naked, and have sex on camera, and even put up a fight. That is why, in her opinion, Olga Rapunzel has achieved much during his stay in the perimeter.

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Tatiana often communicates with fans via social networks, not sparing of advice to literally everyone. Especially when it comes to relationships and unrequited love. “You must reconfigure. Love is all the same for two years. Then comes stability. Only if in the beginning there were some fights with a man, you have to look for another,” — said the star of the TV show.

But Tatyana Vladimirovna have many years of happy marriage. According to Africanoboi, her husband and eldest daughter — the people with whom it is impossible to quarrel.