Светлана Лобода рассекретила пол своего второго ребенка
The singer hinted who she will have.

Photo: Instagram

Yesterday, the Network appeared information about the fact that Svetlana Loboda hides the birth of her second child. Fans of the singer on one of the latest photos of the star has not seen “pregnant” belly and concluded that the baby was born. Information produced by such a resonance in the Network, Loboda decided to dot the “i”.

“While rumors about me are greatly exaggerated,” wrote Light in his personal blog and published your own photo with a big belly.

But the most interesting is not it. After its own review, the singer put a few icons Emoji — heart, bewildered girl and female sign of Venus, which looks like a circle with a cross pointing down. From this, the fans immediately came to the conclusion that she is waiting for her daughter.

The star has not commented on this information. The singer generally keeps secret everything that relates to this pregnancy. The fact that it is in “interesting position”, Loboda was able to hide until the seventh month of pregnancy! Until now, no one (fans) will not know with certainty who was the father of the second child of the singer. Also Light has not yet been told exactly who is waiting for a boy or a girl.

But fans certainly have their suspicions. To this sign of Venus, the public was convinced that Quinoa is expecting a boy. This conclusion they made on the basis of people’s will. The fact is that during pregnancy, the singer did not look awful, not gained extra weight and judging by the person is not suffering swelling, as it often happens in the third trimester in pregnant women. Even without makeup she seems to glow from within. Say a woman blossoms when expecting a boy, and girls allegedly “taken away” from mom beauty. So fans of Svetlana were convinced that the singer is going to play the son. Now they are inclined to believe that the light will be a girl.

We will remind, the second child Loboda needs to be born within the next two to three weeks. Svetlana has a daughter Eva, who recently turned 7 years old.