Светлана Иванова меняет актёрскую карьеру на семью

How much we know her last strength combine work and family. Few people, after the desired filming a movie, decides to throw them for her husband and children. But the Russian actress Svetlana Ivanova is confident in its decision.

In a recent interview the artist stated that it intended soon to quit the film because her priority is family. During his short career (Svetlana just about thirty years) Ivanov managed to play in six dozen movies. Ahead of the successful Actresses in many film projects, but she is willing to abandon all for the sake of their family.

“I do not exclude that will cease to be an artist after some time, but my profession does not condone shifting priorities towards life and family. So far, I can combine it all, but the more I have kids, dogs and friends, the harder I will stay an artist. In truth, now I’m trying to compensate the child for the time that gave the film when Polina was just a baby. I don’t regret that, but increasingly now I want to stay home” said the actress and added that her agent Nellie, with whom she collaborated for many years, sympathetic to her moods and desires.

“Sometimes I tell her: “Nel, come here do not want to work this month.” She just says to me “Good” no pressure on me, says I’ll lose my career or I will be forgotten” — said Svetlana.

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