Жужа расторгла помолвку с Винником ради нового бойфренда News anchor on “the House-2” happy in a new relationship – a woman meets with an old friend. According to most of Katie’s Zsuzsa, young people did not expect that between them will ignite the passion.

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      Only fans of “House-2” finished discussing whether Kate Susan broke up with her fiance, Oleg Vinnik, as there is a new reason to dispute. More recently, the lovebirds were planning a wedding in the summer, put up pictures and talked about how happy they are But according to the woman, before her birthday choice afforded incorrect statements, and that was the reason for the gap.

      But the media personality did not stay alone. A few days ago the subscribers of the star on Instagram saw a picture where Susan is sitting in the company of an unknown young man. The followers did their own investigation and tattoos recognized him as Director of Anna Sedokova Kirill Pavlov.

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      Katya admitted that he communicates with man and always treated him well. But after a difficult period of relations with Oleg Vinnik reviewed in Pavlov something more. “As for Cyril, I’ve known him for five years. All this time we were just friends, but now something has happened,” said the brunette. Note that in the previous novel women really was not all plain sailing. The pair often did, several times even broken up. Leading news on the popular telestroke shared their details with followers of the microblog.

      “I want to say that today I with Oleg nothing else connects! This man is no more and never will be in my life! Never!” – wrote in the emotions of Kate.

      Some fans have suggested that Oleg was difficult to forget the wife who died in 2015 in a plane crash over the Sinai Peninsula. After the tragedy, the man for a long time could not come in itself, and admitted that he will never be able to marry again.

      Oleg Vinnik about the deceased in a plane crash his wife: “I love her still”

      Apparently, Susan was the one able to melt the heart of winnik and bring him back to life. However, emotional Katia was often offended by the chosen one rolled his jealousy and sort things out. Perhaps this was the reason for the gap. The presenter commented portal Life.ru.

      “First, the initiator of the breakup was him. And when he came to tolerate, then I don’t want the world. We fought constantly, disagreed. Now the way back is definitely not. We were supposed to get married on July 22, but what’s the point to get married, when our relationship is not cool.”