Дачный сезон: на что готовы звезды ради своих огородов “StarHit” found out what celebrities do on their private plots. Natasha Koroleva likes to dig in the beds, the wife of Valentin Yudashkin harvests of black cabbage.

      Дачный сезон: на что готовы звезды ради своих огородов

      Contrary to popular belief that summer the stars rest solely on luxury resorts, some go to their dacha plots, to how to work. The care of favorite possessions they spare neither strength nor the time. “StarHit” found out what the favorites of millions for the sake of the sanitized plots and wholesome food from the garden.

      Agatha Priluchny

      “My husband is still making fun of me and my sister with Santa, we had almost half the village burned, – shares with “StarHit” the actress Agata Priluchny. – Ancient history: came to my mother in the village near Riga, it tells us that we need to start preparing for crops – we have home field. Like, is that the earth will be more fertile if the old grass to burn and then plow. Mom, so we got it and went to a neighbor.

      Дачный сезон: на что готовы звезды ради своих огородов

      I stand, my dishes, and then runs Santa and yelling in a loud voice: “Burn! Fire!” Look – field blazes. The fire spreads to the neighboring areas, after a couple of minutes running the whole village put out whatever they could: water, old blankets, etc. Barely coped with fire. It turned out, the words mom sister adopted as the guide to action – and without telling anyone, just set fire to the grass on all sides”.


      Дачный сезон: на что готовы звезды ради своих огородов

      “Three years ago I found myself a new hobby – vegetable garden : arranged the beds on site in our suburban home, – shares with “StarHit” the Marina, the wife of fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin. – Family and friends of me laughed. But I wasn’t paying attention. Beginning little by little to grow strawberries, flowers, strawberries and all zelenushka: cilantro, dill, parsley, and Basil. When I went to the first harvest, all once ate in silence, and ceased to laugh.

      A couple of years ago I was in Tuscany, there on every corner selling black cabbage. Asked a local what this vegetable is. It turned out he was unpretentious and very useful, helps to cope with a lot of diseases, almost with cancer. After listening, I bought the seeds. Valentine me all the way laughing. Who says from Italy cheeses, but wine pulls, and my wife a suitcase full of pellets some. But I am a diligent lady came, planted and raised. All the neighbors about its healing properties told all guests soup fed. And they I have the cabbage began to ask and areas to plant.


      Дачный сезон: на что готовы звезды ради своих огородов

      “In the spring of last year in the suburban village came the wolves – says actress Olga Pogodina. – Near the river, and beyond it the forest. Apparently they were so hungry that they ventured to get on thin ice. The predators went to the houses, but there it was. A neighbor living two Central Asian shepherd. The dogs barred their way. Sitting on the couch and hear the howls. Then resorted to the husband (TV presenter Alexey Pimanov. – Approx. “StarHit”) and says: “Ol, come quickly! There’s a fight”. I’m on the street. Watching the neighbors pile. Came closer and saw that three wolves are dogs and rocks. In a second massacre began, we hid behind pseudosobor of twigs. Our repulsed. And replaced the wolves came partridge – they’re beaks gouging us a porch of stone.

      Olga Pogodina and Alexey Pimanov: a love story, the secret wedding and collaboration

      Alena Sviridova

      Дачный сезон: на что готовы звезды ради своих огородов

      “A few years ago I bought a cottage in the town of Kerch near the sea, – shares with “StarHit” the singer Alena Sviridova. My neighbor on the land lived a wonderful lamb. Of course, we immediately took a liking to them and began to lure and squeeze. As it turned out, in vain! Animals are so accustomed to our feedings that he settled in and began without shame to climb to me in the garden – in the beds we devoured everything indiscriminately: and courgettes, and cucumber, and even raspberries. My patience is exhausted, when their brazen muzzle got to little birches. To end these raids, it was decided to put a good fence – iron poles and the net. But these curly beast was not only cunning and very intelligent creatures – made tunnel. We began to chase them. So they went to all the neighbors to walk. Sheep raids continued about three years. But in the end, the owner has sold them. It was a pity, but what can you do”.

      Natasha Koroleva

      Дачный сезон: на что готовы звезды ради своих огородов

      “In my country home all green, lots of flowers, their berries, vegetables and fruit trees, – shares with “StarHit” the singer Natasha Koroleva. – Everyone who comes to visit us in late summer, serve Apple pie from our own apples along with the juice from the sea buckthorn. A couple of years ago my Director Marina bought the plot, but no matter what she planted – nothing grew. I decided to help her. Invited to her house and dug her from our area a few bushes of strawberries, raspberries, red and black currants, tulips, peonies, and many other things. Oddly enough, all caught on hurrah.

      The husband of Natasha Koroleva showed grown-up son

      In early may of this year friends came to us on skewers. Everybody’s happy, and Marina there, went to look – look, she sits around the flower beds, I spotted a wild Lily is a very rare species. “Natasha, you know what they say if anything from the rich or the famous house will take, and you will survive!” she said. Of course, after these words had to share with my girlfriend flowers.”

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