Внезапно! Депутаты пожаловались на Урганта его... бабушке

TV presenter played a joke on the air, and the deputies did not like.

For a start we will remind, from-for what all cheese-boron. A couple of days ago in the program “Evening Urgant” its unchallenged leader together with Dmitry Khrustalev rink of humor went through the photos of the restored monument to Lenin (as it turned out later, this picture is doctored).

The picture shows the sculpture of Lenin as if posing for selfies, making duck lips. This could not to mention witty Urgant and Khrustalev, stating that this monument is the first monument with nasolabial injection.

Honestly, about Vladimir Ilyich joking constantly, but for some reason humoresque Ivan touched the Kuban Communists to the core. They even wrote a letter to the Prosecutor General with a request to start a criminal investigation into incitement of social discord.

Following this a letter was sent to the leadership of the First channel with the requirement to remove leading from the air before the end of the proceedings.

And finally, the Communists attracted Urgant grandmother, Nina Nikolaevna asked to declare negligent grandson boycott in solidarity with the Communists of Kuban.

The answer to the attacks of the Communists at Urgant was even more fun than the severity about the monument of Lenin with the plastic. In another program he repented before offended the admirers of Lenin, and immediately dialed her grandmother. However, that was not available.

“This means either she has already declared me the silent treatment, or ran to the post office to ask whether it was not from the Communists of Kuban”, – commented Ivan.

After analysis of jokes about Lenin was followed by an apology from the lips of the presenter.

“Yesterday was forgiveness Sunday, one of the three most revered holidays of members of the party “Communists of Russia”. We asked for everyone’s forgiveness, and they forgot. Dear party “Communists of Russia” excuse us for God’s sake! Especially for you in the beginning of the program we will put the caption “the Program can contain distorted image leaders”, if you see him, switch to the “Dom-2″. And I would like to remind all people that, maybe, we hurt with their inappropriate comments: we are the only transmission on our television, in which a presenter stands on the background of red velvet! Stood, stands and will stand!”

Elected officials such apology was satisfied. And, by the way, my complaint from the attorney General’s office has withdrawn.

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