A young man by the name of Shavon McKenzie, to death scared star of the reality show “living with the Kardashian” and model Kendall Jenner on August 14, acquitted. Lawyers 25-year-old man managed to convince the judge that he had no intentions will hurt the celebrities he supposedly just wanted to talk to her.
Recall that when, about midnight, Kendall was returning home from a party the rapper Taiga with her friend Haylie Baldwin. Near the gate of her house Jenner waited for the unknown, and yet the gate for a ride to the yard machine were closed, a man entered the territory of her house. Twenty year old model and her friend was seriously scared – you never know what the mind of man. They called the police and stayed inside the car until he arrived and the guards didn’t detain Savon.
“I not scared. It was so horrible that the trauma will remain for life. Now I don’t feel safe even in my own house” said Kendall.