Супруга Глюк'оZы могут лишить доходного бизнеса  Bailiffs sealed the club, which is owned by Alexander Chistyakov. Concert venue Stadium Live closed. Husband Glyuk’ozy have more than a million rubles for the lease of the premises.

      Супруга Глюк'оZы могут лишить доходного бизнеса

      Glyuk’ozy spouse Alexander Chistyakov will allow a nasty financial problem. The creative brainchild of the businessman, the club “Stadium Live”, June 20, sealed by the bailiffs. Soon there will be no concerts. The fate of the premises is also unknown. The official comments of the representatives Chistyakov still refuse.

      However, the press leaked the information that the administration makes every effort to soon “Stadium Live” continued its work in the former regime, without changing the location.

      Music connoisseurs and artists disappointed with the incident. The club was considered one of the best concert venues of the capital. People who bought tickets for the upcoming show, puzzled. From the website of the club missing posters. Some have already decided to donate their tickets, others are discussing the situation through social networks and join groups.

      Most likely, the closure of the “Stadium Live” due to the gigantic debt listed for the company Alexander Chistyakov. According to FSSP, spouse Gluk’oza is obliged to pay the rent amount to more than a million rubles.

      Manager, Noize MC, who had planned a series of performances at “Stadium Live”, is quite optimistic about the future.

      “Maybe the club will be changed, perhaps they will sit other people, but the site will function, and your solo concert and presentation of his album are we going to do there, we’re sure of that, so nowhere to carry the presentation will not” – said Elena Savelyeva in an interview with “Rock Vector”.

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