Сын Александра Домогарова намерен исправить его ошибки Successor of a famous artist is not going to sell the family nest, in which passed away. Parent of Alexander for more than ten years of evading the payment of contributions for the house. In his time he rewrote the property in the village Bekasovo at his son. He is now responsible for all housing issues.

      Сын Александра Домогарова намерен исправить его ошибки

      Alexander Domogarov Jr. was very worried about the condition of the house you grew up in his father and where he himself spent the best childhood. The young man recalls that every summer the whole family would gather in the village Bekasovo and having fun together. After the death of the parents of actor Alexander Domogarova between him and brother Andrew disagreed, which led to the fact that they both stopped to deal with the house. In the end, the ancestral home fully decayed and became unusable.

      Alexander Domogarov became the victim of thieves

      The heir to Domogarova says that is not going to sell the house. As it became known, the court offered the 26-year-old man to give purchased many years ago a plot of land two and a half million rubles, but Alexander refused the offer. According to him, he is still too young and not yet earning the money to remodel the house, but that does not mean that he will not deal with this issue in the near future.

      “This is a family home, it was built by my grandfather. The brother of the father given all the issues around the house to me, he handed me the documents and I now the culprit. The house is not abandoned, it collapsed, and money to build just yet. It is necessary to demolish and build new, but it is very expensive. But he is in my plans. It’s my duty. You know it’s in the plans, and well,” said Alexander in the program “You wouldn’t believe!”.
      Сын Александра Домогарова намерен исправить его ошибки

      Domogarov Jr. does not hide that feels and the guilt that the house was launched and now it is simply impossible to live. His main dream – to return to nest in the same form. Most likely, according to a novice Director, he still will have to say goodbye to the old housing and build in its place a new. He would like to return home, which once was happy and he and his father.

      Alexander Domogarov has no plans to solve the housing problem. A fight with my brother, which dragged on for 15 years, has led to the fact that tax services are regularly visited by known address, trying to find out whether the owners at home. But instead, the neighbors of a famous actor caught in the homeless strangers who almost settled in the place where previously was going to the clan Domogarova.

      Alexander Domogarov Jr. looks at the situation very optimistic. He understands that he cannot now ask for help from the father because he feels all the responsibility that he had assumed towards her family. By the way, now dad of a young man living in two-story cottage in Istra situated near Moscow. That’s where he spends all his time, so problems at home in Bekasovo pretty soon he departed on the second plan.