Сочинский цирк получит имя Мстислава Запашного

Last week departed this life of the legendary Mstislav Zapashny, the successor dynasty of trainers, which dates back to 1882. From early childhood until the last days of Mstislav all his time spent in the circus, the Sochi circus Zapashny he worked as artistic Director from 1992 to 2003 (from 2003 to 2009, even he was the General Director of Russian state circus company). Not surprisingly, his name I call his place of work.

Сочинский цирк получит имя Мстислава Запашного
“My brother and I believe it is fair if the name of Mstislava zapashnogo was named one of the circuses, it would be right if this were Sochi circus, which for many years he led the” said the nephew of the late Edgar Zapashny, who now holds the post of General Director of the Bolshoi Moscow circus.

Mstislava zapashnogo will be buried today in the capital, and parting with him will be held in the Circus on Vernadsky Prospekt.