Сестра Брежневой сильно похудела и стала похожа на Веру

Because of the example of a famous relative, Victoria Galushka rid of extra pounds.

Wife Russian showman, and part-time sister of the famous singer Vera Brezhneva Victoria Galushko know with whom to take in. Of course, successful and famous relative, which has repeatedly been named the sexiest woman in Russian show business.

Vika is the mother of two children, and since she didn’t have to constantly be on stage, she, like many women, gave up the slack and scored a decent amount of extra pounds. As we all know, to get rid of them is much more difficult than to eat.

However, his sister Victoria never gave her the abyss, and helped to embark on the path to weight loss. Following all the advice and prescriptions of the star’s relatives, the ports changed so that it probably can’t learn at home, children and husband favorite.

On one of the last social events 29-year-old younger sister Brezhneva stole the show beauty. Now thin Victoria has become even more like Faith, which, no doubt, proud of the success of his sister.

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