Певица Азиза резко похудела из-за серьезной болезни The famous actress admitted that she lost 10 pounds. Besides, Aziz has serious psychological problems. According to fans, the woman’s condition deteriorated after she had broken up with the chosen one.

Singer Aziz admitted that lately she was feeling worse. According to the artist, it has long been normally awake and not eating. Due to the lack of appetite and rest are a woman experiencing chronic fatigue. According to the star, health problems began after suffering stress.

“The Cup is full and cracked. Pain, suffering and despair that have accumulated over all of my hard fate, flooded. Although my life was, of course, a lot of good,” says the singer.

Fans of the stars believe that health problems have their idol arose because of trouble in his personal life. We will remind, five years ago, sweetheart, businessman Alexander Brodolin proposed to her. A couple planned a wedding that never took place, and last year came the news that the bride and groom broke up.

Rupture of the actress with the choice due to the fact that she refused to move to St. Petersburg, where her lover. Besides, the singer still can’t cope with the death of her mother. Rafiq Haydarovna passed away in 2015, the same period when her famous daughter participated in the show “Just exactly”. Later, the pop star admitted that the news of the death of her that shocked her, knocking for a long time off. The woman had lost appetite and did not want to eat.

“For the last three months I lost ten pounds. I have severe chronic fatigue. Very hard. Don’t know how this will end. Don’t know whether it is treated but today I decided to talk about the problem. Hard to remain alone with such trouble. Wish me strength, healing and love,” says Aziz.

According to the newspaper “Sobesednik”, the singer struggles with depression not the first year, but still cannot overcome the problem. The first warning signs of the fans Aziza noticed a few months ago when a star appeared in the programme “Tonight”. Then the actress seemed tired and haggard.

Fans wish the singer a speedy recovery and success. Many fans are sure to heal Aziz can music. This summer, the actress planned a few gigs, so she needs to regain her strength before them.