Певец Шура познакомился с суррогатной матерью своих детей The artist dreams of becoming a father. Singer Alex underwent a medical examination, which should show if a man is able to procreate. If the tests are good, the musician will begin registration of all necessary documents.
Певец Шура познакомился с суррогатной матерью своих детей

Singer Alex was a guest of the program “the Secret to a million.” He decided to openly answer all questions related to his scandalous past. The man does not hide that for a long time was a drug addict. Besides, he had to face with serious oncological disease and to go through a few cycles of chemotherapy.

Today, the musician often thinks on the replenishment of the family. He dreams of becoming a father, but not sure I can do it after years of illness. That is why before appearing in the Studio, Alex passed special tests. The results will be announced later, and now men have the opportunity to meet with a potential surrogate mother.

Svetlana three times, became a surrogate mother, and once even gave birth to twins for their customers. The young woman spoke in detail about costs and expenses, which may result in its services.

“Monthly surrogate mother is paid 25 thousand rubles. After childbirth shall be paid a fee in the amount of 800 thousand rubles. For twins is made another 150. In this case the customer can visit me every week, talking to your tummy, to visit with me at the hospital. At birth they can also be present,” said Svetlana.

The young woman said that she chose this method of earning because of a good amounts which are received after each experience of surrogacy. In response, the Shura declared that will discuss with Svetlana the details of their possible cooperation. The man himself does not hide that dreams of twins and would like to attend the birth.

The artist hopes that his labs will be good and he will be able to experience the joy of fatherhood.

“I really want to buy a country house to on site children have their own lawn, sand. Think it would be a good father and certainly will not allow children under 13 years old to leave home, as it was with me,” said the artist.

For many years the hanky was extremely tense relationship with her mother. He did not communicate with the mother, blaming her for the fact that the woman gave the son to an orphanage. Now, the musician has managed to establish communication with the dearest person. “She was very happy that I’m going to get tested. Wants grandchildren,” said the man.

Lera Kudryavtseva wished the musician to quickly discover the joy of fatherhood. Shura himself is sure that he will be able not only to give children a decent future, but to surround them with love. Fans of the singer hope that the tests will be good, and in the near future, their idol will come into the club young fathers.