Сергей Лазарев: «Я счастлив быть папой и воспитывать сына!»
The singer commented on the information that he brings up the child.

Sergey Lazarev

Photo: “7 Days”

After fans of Sergey Lazarev became
aware of the fact that he is already two and a half years is a wonderful father
boy named Nikita, the singer decided to make an official statement himself
commented on the changes in your life.

“The life of a public person is always considered
under a magnifying glass, causing a lot of talk, rumors, discussion, often negative
emotions, — said Sergey. And even adult and experienced people is
attention is a complex challenge, not to mention a small child.

That is why me and my family was adopted
the decision to maintain the wonderful joyous event that occurred in my life 2.5
a year ago, exclusively in a family circle, does not make any representations or

But Segodnya happened the General public
it became known this secret event my personal life. Now
a huge number of publications, speculation, dodumki and gossip. In order not
to produce more of them, I want to officially confirm that I do
happy here for 2.5 years to be a dad and raise my son. But I beg you all
respect the personal space of my family, me and my son and keep our
the right to privacy. Thank you for understanding!”

the boy probably does mother Sergey Lazarev — Valentina.
After all, sitting at home with the child the singer just no time. The
the height of the tour is “The Best”, in
which he gave more than 100 concerts.

The news
the appearance of the heir in the family of Sergei was a complete surprise to him
fans and colleagues. After
parting with Leroy Kudryavtseva, on the artist’s personal life almost
nothing was known.