Сергей Жуков, наконец, рассказала, что же с ним на самом деле произошло.
Coming to the program “Central television” Sergei Zhukov explained that at the time really hurt my stomach of steel construction, but did not immediately give the value of the appearance of the bruise.

Сергей Жуков, наконец, рассказала, что же с ним на самом деле произошло.

But the bruise never went away, and became more and more. As a result, the bruise ended in a hernia in the belly, and the doctors were confused, not understanding how this is possible, and what to do about it.

The result is needed several operations, the last of which was successful. And here Sergey cheerful, happy and ready to give their first concert next week.

Сергей Жуков, наконец, рассказала, что же с ним на самом деле произошло.

But some fans seemed to have changed Sergey, also thanks to him. Looking at the photo, which he shared, before, indeed, there is a feeling that bags under the eyes became smaller. But this is the only photo where there is enough of photoshop.