Шварценеггер рассказал, что хотел ударить Трампа

Donald trump and Arnold Schwarzenegger belong to two warring camps. A President does not hesitate to criticize the actor, and especially the period of his life, when he was Governor of California. Schwarzenegger openly says that wanted to break the face of the trump on the table when he learned that Donald dissatisfied. However, to follow his wishes Arnold was not, being confined to verbal response on Twitter.

Recently it turned out that trump has a new reason to criticize Schwarzenegger.

As you know, the “iron Arnie” took the lead in the show “the Candidate”, which previously led a trump.

Opting Arnold was not the most successful. The ratings of the show dropped dramatically, because the Fox News channel has decided to say goodbye to Schwarzenegger.

Who will be the host of the show and whether it will do continue, not specified.