Роману Жукову предстоит операция The singer was hospitalized due to inflammation of the old seam. Illness has forced the musician to seek help from professionals. The whole family and fans worried for the health of the artist. Roman Zhukov is waiting for surgery.

      Роману Жукову предстоит операция

      The famous singer Roman Zhukov today alarmed his fans with news of the hospitalization. The musician was taken to one of the best clinics of Moscow. Roman complained of severe pain, and a survey showed that the consequences of the earlier operation.

      “I’m all right,” assured Roman “StarHit”. Six years ago I had surgery and the joint left lead, which now made itself felt. I went to the doctors to figure out what it is. Tomorrow I have an operation. As I promised, it will pass quickly, and tomorrow I’ll write. This is a simple operation that can be done under local anesthesia, but we decided it would be safer with General anesthesia”.
      Роману Жукову предстоит операция

      And two years ago, the Novel had to go through a surgery on her face. After he was attacked by unknown in the area of metro station Tulskaya, hooligans damaged the artist’s ear and eyelid. The novel was not to shock fans of their stripes and turned to a plastic surgeon.

      Now the singer hit “I love you, girl” brings up six children. And four years ago, his family was faced with the cruel blow of fate. In an accident killed their little daughter Elizabeth-Victoria. A five year old girl poked his head between the support and the moving part of the swing. The injuries were incompatible with life. Parents at the time of the tragedy were on another continent. In Australia, they waited for the birth of a daughter, Victoria Elizabeth. As soon as Elena was discharged from the hospital, the novel immediately flew to Moscow. A little later, as soon as the newborn baby allowed the flights, my mother also returned to Russia. Roman decided to go to court to seek justice and punish the perpetrators.

      “I am fully satisfied with the decision of the court. Guilty of the death of the child was found and punished! Even conditional, ” said Roman Zhukov, will there be some compensation, I don’t even know. Kind of like the thousand three hundred awarded. I don’t care, I’m in jail is not going to put anybody, for us it was important to achieve the fact of justice.”

      The tragedy forever changed the attitude of Roman and his wife Elena to the heirs.

      “We began to appreciate every minute spent together, to enjoy every day. I began to look differently at their children. Perhaps that is love and children give us the strength, despite everything, to move on,” said Zhukov.