Роман Будников проиграл в деле об изнасиловании The court denied the broadcaster to satisfy moral compensation. Roman Budnikov has appealed to the judges to punish the girl who accused him of wrongdoing. The Anastasia found no evidence of his words, but because the journalist decided to punish her for her allegations.

Last spring the presenter of the First channel of the Novel Budnikova was accused of rape. A girl named Anastasia said that she allegedly came home to the man to do the massage. However, according to her version, he attacked her and beat. She did not remain silent and gave the case publicity, provoking a scandal.

The journalist, in turn, contradicts the words of the Muscovite, and hastened to defend his honor and dignity. He decided not to leave unpunished the word of the girl. After consultation with the lawyers he went to court to protect honour and dignity. Roman filed a lawsuit in the amount of one million rubles. For more than six months, the court has considered treatment to men. However, today it became known that the judges did not take the side Budnikova. They reviewed his appeal but refused him the satisfaction of a moral compensation.

However, Anastasia’s accusations had no basis. She talked about the fact that the police did not even consider her application. Last year, she was unable to provide proof of his words. Then the girl decided not to stop and continued to get his – she began to actively discuss this topic in the media.

The only purpose of the treatment of the Novel in the court was the preservation of his good name. He was worried that this scandal will affect his image as a TV presenter. Moreover, Budnikov believed that such statements should not go unpunished.

For some time, Anastasia continued to blackmail Budnikova. She wrote him messages and phone calls, but the novel did not specify what the requirements put forth by the girl in these conversations.

Some fans and friends men did not believe that this could happen to their friend. They supported the Novel and believed that this history has much to teach those bringing allegations.

As the “Moskovsky Komsomolets”, Anastasia fell into the hands of a rapist a few days after the visit to the house Budnikova. The man who really committed the crime should be punished. The girl said in the video about the unpleasant episodes of his life, in which the mentioned First channel host.

“Our principal movie, not recorded, not edited and to on the Internet post, on Budnikova did not. In the spring of 2017 she gave an interview to a journalist regarding the other person and situation with which it, unfortunately, happened. We have provided the court with the verdict of the Zamoskvoretsky court” – said the lawyer of girls Nikolay Motin.