Родион Газманов поставил условия будущей невесте The artist explained, what kind of girl he’s looking for. According to the eldest son Gazmanov, he really wants to start a family, but it has the criteria according to which he chooses a companion. In the program “Alone with all” Rodion shared details of his personal life.

      35-year-old Rodion Gazmanov is a successful musician. The successor of Oleg Mikhailovich was first performed on stage with dad, singing the song “Lucy”. At the moment, the actor toured with the group “DNA”. According to Gazmanov, a Charter to do business, he decided to return to the world of music. Today he writes songs and poems.

      In the air “Alone with all” the leading Yulia Menshova questioned the young man about how he sees his life in a few years. Rodion admitted that he wants to create a family. According to the singer, he always decides with whom to build relationships. However, the mother of Rodion sometimes very sharply reacted to his friends during the students. Then he stopped listening to her remarks, plugging his ears when Irina began to criticize his chosen. Menshovoj was able to learn from a musician, what kind of girls he likes.

      “I am absolutely intolerant of spelling errors. Illiterate girls have no chance!” – said Gazmanov.

      By the way, the young man even went to the shooting of the program “let’s get married”. Rodion jokes that agreed to participate in the show because he wanted to present live his new song, not to find love.

      “I thought, and suddenly find there… I told him what girl I like. Beautiful and smart. We’re looking for some quality, and what we see is a consequence,” – said Gazmanov.

      The young man explained that not married, as it is planning to be married for life. “To truly and forever. I do not think the Union of my parents mistake. Subconsciously I’m afraid to make a mistake. Don’t want the children went through the same thing and I”, – said Rodion.

      According to the soloist “DNA”, after his parents ‘ divorce the consciousness of the child gives crack.

      Gazmanov is able to take risks. The young man was not afraid to leave the business because he could no longer see the office, it was not satisfied with the monotonous life schedule. He was confident in his abilities. “I decided to burn all the bridges”, – said the artist.

      Rodion believes that he has all the chances to release a platinum album. However, he is not concerned if he fails to succeed in the field of music. According to Gazmanov, it is actively supported by fans and write letters of thanks.