Роберт Дауни – младший показал фото дочери

A picture was shown during the filming of the Jimmy Kimmel show.

Robert now takes part in the advertising campaign of the new film “the First avenger: the Confrontation” in which his hero – Iron man – discovers a relationship with another super-guy – Captain America.

Hosted the show, the actor talked about filming, and then the leader showed on a big screen the photo of an eight month old daughter of Robert Avery. Judging from the picture, Avery, despite such a young age, is already a member of a team Iron man.

“Yes, she’s made her choice, Avery is definitely in my team – with a smile said 51-year-old Downey. – To convince her and I didn’t really have when I gave a choice of shield and iron glove, its as if a magnet drew her to the glove”. The actor has a view that his antagonist in the film – Captain America – main weapon is a shield. “You grow the Iron daughter, it’s perfect!”, – the leader answered.

Avery was born on November 4, 2014, becoming the second child of Downey and his wife, producer Susan, their first child, son Exton was born 7 February 2012. With current wife, Robert met in 2003 on the set of the film “Gothic”, two years later they were married. This is the second marriage for the actor, one with model Deborah Falconer – has lasted 12 years, they have joint son Indio, born in 1993.

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