Рита Дакота рассекретила беременность экс-«фабрикантки» Саши Гурковой The young woman will soon become a mother for the third time. Rita Dakota posted a picture with a friend, saying that she’s pregnant again. As it turned out, Sasha Gurkova is already five months pregnant and incredibly happy imminent addition to the family.
Рита Дакота рассекретила беременность экс-«фабрикантки» Саши Гурковой

Just a few months ago singer Rita Dakota became a mother. Now she often shares with fans a joint photo with daughter MIA. Take care of the baby artist help not only relatives and a nanny, but also numerous friends. Thus, recently the star of the stage spent the whole day with old friend Sasha Gurkova, which is known under the alias Sasha Holiday.

Many fans were surprised that a friend of Dakota’s pregnant again, after all, a young woman recently gave birth to her second baby.

“He was paunchy and the difference in our daughters only 3 weeks. Only Sasha is pregnant again, five months. Hero what to say. Now she is the mother of three children. My rock-n-roll rozovolosaya Sanya,” wrote Rita on Instagram.

The common picture of young mothers made a splash among the subscribers of the Dakota. Many of them were surprised that Sasha is pregnant again, so he hastened to congratulate her with the imminent addition to the family. “What a beautiful daughter you have! And mom does not miss”, “Wow, I never knew Gurkova again in position. Very happy for her”, “Sasha and Rita are incredible girl, very talented. Glad they found happiness in his personal life,” wrote the fans of the artists.

By the way, she Gurkova did not hide another pregnancy. On Instagram, she often shares the photos visible rounded tummy. According to the singer, she is very happy in connection with what will soon become a large mum.

“The marriage of great love has its side effects. Forced the second round to make the hashtag #pregnancy. Now I am mother of three children and mother pogodak”, – reported earlier Gurkova on Instagram.

By the way, not all fans of the actress know that in 2013 she married to the son of Viktor Drobysh, Valery. The couple has two children and do not get tired to confess to one another in love. Earlier, Sasha told me that immediately found a common language with the mother of the chosen one, and his father was familiar for many years, from the time “idol”.

Now Gurkova vengeance prepares to leave. A young woman told fans that the third pregnancy was for her a complete surprise. She even began to worry about whether to cope with such an enormous burden. However, soon the actress realized that the sudden addition to the family will only make it happier. Fans hope that after the appearance of the baby born singer will return to the art of music.