Резидент Comedy Club Зураб Матуа вновь станет отцом Wife of the entertainer is expecting a child. Himself the happy father and his fiancee fully engaged in preparing for the upcoming birth. Future baby will cook nursery and landscaping which took a wife of Matua.

      Резидент Comedy Club Зураб Матуа вновь станет отцом

      This year, it seems, there could be a real baby boom. Among celebrities are many of those who prepare themselves to give birth the parents and looking forward to the addition to the family. One such person was the resident of Comedy club Zurab Matua. In the near future in the family of 35-year-old comedian will occur joyful event of his 26-year-old wife Anastasia is preparing to become a mother for the second time. This happy man shared with loved ones who, like happy parents awaiting the birth of the baby.

      “My wife is incredibly happy − said Zurab Matua “StarHit”. – Managed to inform all relatives and friends. Don’t know yet who we’ll have – a boy or a girl, and it is not so important. Recharge wait until autumn”.

      To the upcoming event entertainer and his wife Anastasia came with great responsibility. The couple have already started to think through all the details to discuss changes and prepare for the appearance in the home of another family member. For example, the beloved star of a Comedy show has already started to do repairs in the nursery.

      “Naturally, prepare: the wife, as it should be, visiting a doctor, undergoing all the necessary tests, blood tests, says Matua. – Nastya feels great and pregnancy is easy. Soon it plans to start construction of a child’s room – I trust her completely in this matter, but we haven’t bought anything overall type Cribs or strollers”.

      By the way, the couple already has a three year old son Luka. The boy already knows that soon it will be for the baby my older brother, who will be around to help and protect. “Our son Luca also expects the emergence of a brother or sister, he was very happy with this news,” with great delight, said Zurab Matua.

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