Рене Зеллвегер худеет на глазах

Rejuvenated actress collects compliments on the presentation of the film “Bridget Jones baby.”

Soon the screens will be released the third part of the popular movie about Bridget Jones. 47-year-old actress appeared at the presentation of the film in London and slew the audience with his appearance.

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Thinner and rejuvenated Zellweger viglidit to a maximum of 35 years, and her outfit emphasizes the fragile shoulders and slender legs. The presentation of the painting, which glorified the actress, 47-year-old star prepared thoroughly. It seems that Renee went back to the diet and sport.

By the way, to sacrifice figure for the sake of role, Zellweger can do. For the sake of “Bridget Jones’s Diary” Rene was fat and lost weight, then for her role in “Chicago” lose weight… And in the end – offer of participation in “Bridget Jones: the edge of reason”. For the latter role, the star had a short time to recover in 6 sizes!

But Renee was hard for a return to harmony, so she said that will no longer sacrifice the shape for their roles and to gain hateful pounds.

Recall that last year, fans of the stars began to notice significant changes in appearance: the nose, cheekbones, lips, area around the eyes from the beloved natural and natural Bridget Jones is not gone. 47-year-old actress made an official statement that plastic surgery she is not used: beauty secrets of the stars, according to her, the age and rich happy life. But the most incredulous fans Renee didn’t believe her.