Рената Литвинова вычеркнула из жизни брата и сестер “StarHit” found unknown relatives of the actress. Members of the celebrity family explained why they do not communicate, and talked about attempts to establish contact. As it turned out, Renata Litvinova went to see the sisters 10 years ago, but the conversation was not.

      Рената Литвинова вычеркнула из жизни брата и сестер

      After the controversial remarks about the disabled in the jury of the project “Minute of fame” the name of Renata Litvinova is already not so clear reaction. Earlier in social networks, the fans showered her with compliments and words of admiration, but now there are increasingly seen comments from the category of “cruel”, “insensitive”, “cold”. As it turned out, this Renata appeared not only in front of spectators “the First channel” but also to their relatives. “StarHit” found unknown sisters and brother of the actress, with whom she has no contact for many years.

      Inner circle

      Father Litvinova, Murat Vergasov, left the family when the future star was barely able to walk. Renata was raised by my mom – the doctor-surgeon Alisa Mikhailovna. With her actress is still close. Before you leave for France, where he studied 15-year-old daughter Litvinova Uliana, she carried 80-year-old mother from a troubled area in the center of Moscow – in trehprudnyj a lane. Mom Litvinova several years of fighting with drug addicts and drunks who occupied the porch of her house, caught the district that it dealt with the lawlessness. The famous daughter didn’t say anything. But was not able to achieve the result. The change of residence was the only exit.

      “Alice M. lives here recently, – told the “StarHit” neighbors mom actress. She is a very intelligent woman, always greets. District she likes – everything is close: shops, theatres. Sometimes it comes to visit Renata”.

      Another relative with whom Litvinov had a relationship, was the brother of the father Renat Aminovich. “Last year she lost her uncle, it was a great sorrow, – has shared with “StarHit” the historian Marat Safarov. – Family chronicle Vergasova – Litvinov told me memoirist Amin Gubaidulina, which also died about 5 years ago. She was a cousin of the father of Renata Murat. Despite the fact that the actress with dad for a long time did not communicate, was mad at him, for a monument on his grave at Danilov Muslim cemetery she personally brings the flowers.”

      Рената Литвинова вычеркнула из жизни брата и сестер


      For many years, Litvinova never met in this place with the other relatives of the Pope. As has found out “StarHit”, the actress has an older brother, 54-year-old Timur Vergasov – from the first marriage of his father, and two younger sisters – 43-year-old Julia and 45-year-old Veronica from the last third.

      “One time relatives Murat Aminovich tried to make friends with Renata, continues Marat Safarov. – And his cousin, and daughter, as far as I know. But then they realized that they themselves was the first mistake. When Litvinov became famous, all and Sundry began to share stories about the relationship with the star. When, before all this popularity, together with my mother had a hard time, none of these people were not there”.

      Рената Литвинова вычеркнула из жизни брата и сестер

      Sister of actress Veronica and Julia live in Moscow. The first is engaged in the business manufacturing and selling clothes, the second is architecture, design, repair.

      “I learned that I have an older sister, 13 years old, his father had died, she told me mum, – has shared with “StarHit” Julia Vergasova. But then I was a little girl, I have not had any particular desire to meet her. Later, in adulthood, we somehow tried to chat. Remember, more than 10 years ago came to her on the set of the film “the Goddess: how I fell in love” with Veronica, they’re somehow agreed to meet…

      Don’t even know who was the initiator, but to talk to Litvinova and failed. Filmed in a Stalinist skyscraper between floors, she was Director, controlled, really devote time to us did not work – just saying Hello and all. By the way, as the actress is Renata I like more. But her directorial work is not to my taste, neither one are unable to watch until the end.”
      Рената Литвинова вычеркнула из жизни брата и сестер

      But with the elder brother on the father of the family of Julia and Veronika are communicating – as well as with some distant relatives who live in Sergiev Posad.

      “With Timur my mom sometimes calls up, learns how business – continues sister Litvinova. – We all have children older. He has two girls, I also have a daughter, and Veronica – two sons. So what kind Vergasova grows and multiplies”.

      Рената Литвинова вычеркнула из жизни брата и сестер

      Despite the fact that Litvinov refused to communicate with most of the family, its roots the actress is very interested in.

      “There is one distant relative who made up the genealogy of her family – and paid special attention to the side of the father, – tells Marat Safarov. – Because Murat Vergasov a descendant of an old noble family from the city of Kasimov, Ryazan province. Renata is very proud of this. The tree gave her personally, it still kept the actress”.