Родственники Джорджа Майкла пытаются защитить его могилу от поклонников

A couple of days ago after three months of waiting, relatives of George Michael is finally able to bring his body to the ground. The famous musician was buried at Highgate cemetery West (London). At the farewell ceremony with attended by only the people close to him – family, boyfriend Fadi Fawaz and colleague George group Wham! Andrew Ridgley, Helen Demak-Crockett and Shirley Kemp.

Relatives tried to make Michael’s funeral maximally secret and inconspicuous to huge crowd of his fans didn’t ruin the ceremony. Everything went as planned.

Only now, even after the recent funeral of the musician, his family insists that fans of George should not know where his grave was not to turn it into a place of pilgrimage for tourists, such as the grave of Elvis Presley at Graceland. While Highgate cemetery is in a remote area of North London, it buried a lot of famous people. The cemetery regularly hosts official guided tours. It also did not suit relatives of George. They even appealed to the leadership of cemetery a request not to include the grave of Michael (located in a secluded and wooded place in the West wing of the cemetery) to this route.