Отношения Павла Воли и Лейсан Утяшевой переживают кризис
Today, March 14, facilitator and “caustic” to the participant of the project ComedyClub TNT Pavel Volya turned 38 years old.

Отношения Павла Воли и Лейсан Утяшевой переживают кризис

Numerologist Clara Kuzenbaeva the date of birth of the entertainer has made a forecast of what awaits him in the future.

“Will was born in “the Day of relativity” – said Clara. His life code 347 325 indicates that he has very low self-esteem, although Paul initially gives the impression of a confident person. The artist is constantly not satisfied with himself, but, fortunately, this year it is waiting for the overwhelming success that will cause Paul to reconsider the attitude to yourself. During this period the Will under the force of absolutely everything: songs written by him will inevitably become hits, and composed monologues will win the love of the audience. Perhaps, at the same time they have with Rosie is born another baby.”

According to the numerologist, Paul has a habit of exaggerating events. Because of this, they have Utyasheva quarrels often arise.

“Will is not able to close my eyes in mirth and a flair for the dramatic. Besides, it’s coded sixes and eights, which indicates the presence in nature of the star of such qualities as laziness and a tendency to mood swings. Pasha is often confined to himself, and then a smile on dad’s face can’t even call them dearly beloved children. But with all this Will – the perfect father and husband, he has a very pronounced line of the family,” says Clara.

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