Регина Дубовицкая рассказала о состоянии Михаила Задорнова Famous TV host shared details about the operation of the humorist. Like many other colleagues Zadornov, Dubovitskaya very worried about him. The artist hopes that this fall he will again take the stage, and will continue the initiated work and projects.

      Регина Дубовицкая рассказала о состоянии Михаила Задорнова

      Friends and colleagues of Mikhail Zadornov worried about his health. A few months ago it became known that the artist was diagnosed with cancer. The comedian started treatment and at the end of autumn had surgery in the clinic “charité” in Berlin. According to several publications, as Zadornov has improved. The family of the actor prefers not to tell the media details about his illness.

      Regina Dubovitskaya, a colleague of Mikhail, supports humorist and tries to constantly be in touch with him. According to the leader of the program “Notice”, Zadornov is on the mend.

      “Mike made a difficult operation, it was successful, he will have a long-term treatment. We are with him almost every day, talk on the phone, he’s not going to give up, he always had a very strong willed character. Moreover, he wants to return to the audience, writing new books,” said Dubovitskaya.

      In October of this year program “full House” will celebrate its anniversary. The creators of the Comedy show and the audience dying to see at the gala concert of Mikhail Nikolayevich. “I wish Mike spoke At the anniversary programme will invite artists who sang in the first broadcast of “full House”, explained Regina Sobesednik.ru.

      We will remind that in the beginning of the disease Zadornov was forced to cancel part of the concerts, as doctors advised him not to make long-distance flights. The Network has repeatedly appeared rumors about the deteriorating health of the artist. Tired of the false information, Michael N. was personally told about his condition in one of the social networks.

      “In the press and on the Internet a lot of speculation about my condition. I want to clarify. Really, it’s not as good as I would like, despite the strong treatment. Suffer Alive and Sound – quality of life”, – said the showman, answering all the questions of anxious subscribers.

      Admirers Zadornov try to keep the comedian, leaving him on the page of funny videos and pictures, because I think that laughter is the best medicine. Mikhail thanked the fans for caring and promised soon to return to the stage. A cancer patient Mikhail Zadornov asked for help