Раиса Рязанова развелась из-за романа с женатым For ten years she was mistress. She admitted that she decided to end the marriage, when I realized that passionate about another person. But still the woman does not mention the name of the elect, although for a long time was faithful only to him.
Раиса Рязанова развелась из-за романа с женатым

Raisa Ryazanova was born in 1944. Her parents met in the midst of war. As now says Raisa Ivanovna, “mother picked up father.” Her dad was a driver and happened to stay in the home village of her mother. Melania G. never regretted that gave birth to the visiting driver, but did not insist that he divorced and married her after the war. Raisa Ryazanov has told that remembers her father, who besides her had five or six children still came to visit illegitimate daughter. But mom is not allowed. And the actress now understands why they were not used to each other.

In a sense, Raisa Ryazanova repeated the fate of his mother, though her only son was born in wedlock. Future star of the cult film “Moscow does not believe in tears” from the city of Ryazan got married in student’s years for classmate of Yuri Perov. Almost immediately, the actress gave birth to her son Daniel, who still very small came to the set. He was only nine months when he, along with mom starred in the movie “Day and all life”. Picture of the plight of Katya Morozova which in the postwar years, raising one son, was for Raisa Ryazanova femme, once and for all not dividing professional and personal life into “before” and “after”. At the shooting of 25-year-old Raisa met his biggest and, as it turned out, only love. She still calls his name because the man was married. Some suggest that this is the Director Yury Grigoriev, others think that the partner picture – actor Victor Avdyushko. But those who know Raisa Ivanovna, still keep her secret. In a new documentary of the First channel “Raisa Ryazanova. Day and the whole of life” about the love remembers her friend, Natalia Drozhzhina.

“She said it was such a love, called “love.” Telling of Paradise, God kissed me. But it lasted ten years, and then she was left alone. And bear this cross alone until now,” said friend Raisa Ryazanova.
Раиса Рязанова развелась из-за романа с женатым

She Ryazanov recently recalled his love on his page in Instagram. Frankly, from the soul wrote that when you fall in love morality and attitudes disappear somewhere. “Because, in addition to crazy love, there for it does not exist.”

“Here I am and was — insane. Deaf, blind, indifferent to everything that wasn’t about my passionate feelings. Which threw me off in the city of Gorky on the set of the film “Day and all life”. Many years later a friend asked: “What do you I found one?” She did not understand and nobody to understand. And I was all clear. This love turned my life in another direction: the world was opened for me, the sky opened up and I saw the stars as no one sees,” wrote Ryazanov.

Ryazanov confessed everything to her husband and she filed for divorce. But to insist that her lover had left the family, did not. Raisa Ivanovna never remarried. She dedicated the howl of her son’s life and work. Her filmography includes more than 200 paintings, and she is now in demand as never before. There was a time when the actress was almost starving. In the late 80’s, when they stopped to shoot a movie, Ryazanov “bomb.” “When we had an empty fridge, we were bombed in turn. On the white Zhiguli 11 model went it, I will. What to do?! It was necessary as-that to survive,” recalls her son Daniel.

A hick from the Ryazan village marked the beginning of an acting dynasty. Her son Daniel is in the theater “Commonwealth Taganka actors” and actively acted in television series, and the grandson – also a future actor, Andrew is studying at the Institute of contemporary arts.