Полине Дибровой не дают уединиться с мужем на Мальдивах The wife of the TV presenter wanted to relax just the two of us. Polina Dibrova admitted that he wanted to enjoy the peace and beauty of exotic places. However, the young woman stopped to realize her plans.

      Known TV presenter Dmitry Dibrov and his charming wife Pauline in the first days of spring escaped from a dank Moscow to the far and hot the Maldives. The pair went on holiday together, leaving his three heirs of the house.

      Polina Dibrova is in complete awe of the holidays in an exotic place. In his mothers of large families, you can see the full photo report about her stay in the Maldives. Here a young woman was able to escape from the daily worries about family, to relax and get pleasure from communication with nature. However, there is one thing that slightly spoiled the impression Polina Dibrova from the trip. In the microblog she confessed that she had dreamed during the holidays to spend time only together with her husband Dmitry. But the spouse of the TV presenter has to share his attention with the friends of the couple, whom they accidentally met in the Maldives.

      “Here we have an amazing capacity for adventure. Nothing presaged the occasion. Came for Breakfast, and then Met close friends from Taganrog. As they say in Rostov: “No, but is it necessary?” Wanted to relax alone in silence”, – shared his emotions Polina Dibrova.

      Subscribers mothers of large families amused told her story. By the way, it was not isolated. As it turned out, fans of Polina Dibrova also got into such a situation.

      “Polechka, do not believe it! We too, my husband rode together to distant lands in IRU Fushi to relax from the hustle and bustle together…. met friends from Taganrog!”, “Yeah, I really believe! Flew a couple of years ago with her husband to Dubai for the new year, and one day we are tired of the exotic, have found a Russian restaurant, go in, and there … our friends from Taganrog,” recalled similar stories followers Polina Dibrova.

      It should be noted that Dmitry Dibrov spares nothing for his young wife. He fully shielded the wife from household chores believing that they can interfere with family happiness. The couple travels a lot. A year ago during the new year holidays, Dmitry and Polina Dibrovy traveled to Brazil in July a mother with many sons vacationing in Spain, but in August the broadcaster gave his wife a luxury vacation in Monaco. Polina Dibrova boasted a luxurious vacation in Monaco