Полина Диброва рассталась с мужем
The wife of a famous TV presenter revealed details of his personal life.

Полина Диброва рассталась с мужем

Pauline — wife of a famous TV presenter Dmitry Dibrova
and part-time mother of three children, has separated from her husband. However, fortunately, only for a while. The fact that Pauline heirs left on vacation without her husband. Dense
work schedule has not allowed the head of the family will go with them to Spain. However,
in order to cope with the three fled in different directions and boys
to free Pauline from the perils of homemaking, well-known TV presenter
ensured the 27-year-old wife multiple assistants.

Полина Диброва рассталась с мужем

How was the most difficult stage of their travel — airfare, Polina told in his microblog. “Answer all the questions. A I certainly took assistants. As we rest not in the hotel but in the apartments. We were invited Fedenka godfather and very close family friend. Do everything, including cooking! I go to the market, choose the freshest fish, meat, seafood, vegetables, fruit… For dinner-monkfish, tomorrow for lunch-soup from sea bass… How are we flying? Great flying… I took a Charter… And very scared about the delay… the Delay was, I must admit, 40 minutes And really hard with strollers and children. What that man at the airport offered to tie them, as they fled in three directions! But then we boarded the plane, ate… Oh, yeah, I was all soaked with juice and covered with risotto, and the seats were pricked bread crumbs… as I was sitting between Sasha and Fedya! Children, what to say… Ilya after lunch fell asleep in the arms of a nanny, slept for 2 hours. Fyodor did not sleep, and fell asleep in the car on the way from the airport. Sasha fell and struck ear. Now I call him Sasha-blue ear… But in General, everything is great! The flight was postponed by children. I admit, I even fell asleep for about 30 minutes… When the children gave his hands a tablet!” told the wife Dibrova.

By the way, this year the couple celebrated copper wedding. During this time their family has become much more. However, Pauline doesn’t want to stop at three children. She dreams of having their “boys,” the Kingdom was diluted by a girl. Or two. Another pregnancy the wife of presenter does not bother, as it is very quickly come in shape after childbirth. The girl regularly publishes in social networks pictures which shows your perfect figure, but after her third pregnancy had to throw as much as 23 pounds! Most importantly, it is a sport and will power, she is confident.

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