Ольга Орлова раскрыла правду о замужестве The singer commented on the rumors about the forthcoming wedding. Olga Orlova was recognized in one of the programs that have a happy relationship with her current lover. The actress carefully hides the private life.

Singer Olga Orlova tries to expose for all to see privacy. She is raising 16-year-old son Artyom from the first marriage with businessman Alexander by Karmanovym. Despite the fact that for the sake of raising the child she left the group “Brilliant”, it failed to keep the family together – four years later, she broke up with her husband. Now she lives together with her partner.

Today in mass media there was information that Olga is going to go down the aisle with her lover. However, the artist does not understand how there could be such rumors.

“Wedding? What is a wedding? I don’t know anything about the wedding,” – said Olga to the question of marriage.

Interestingly, the wave of talk about the coming marriage arose in connection with the appearance of Olga Orlova as the main heroine of the program “the invisible Man”. However, the program was aired last fall. There she really was talking about your man, but didn’t want to mention his name. Hereditary fortune teller reveal the secrets of the personal life of the singer – she said she sees the fate of the eagles four marriage. The singer made an unexpected confession – the words of the clairvoyant turned out to be true. Despite the fact that the fans know only about the wedding of Olga with Alexander, she had two consorts.

“Yes, three marriages I’ve had, now fourth, – explained the artist. – I’m with my man live for five years. We are both Scorpios. And when we argue with him, I see myself from the side. Seen their doorsteps, when the “screws up” your man is here”.

Also, the fortune teller revealed some secrets Orlova from the past. She called the actress a “Heartbreaker” and felt that the singer even took away the men from the family. According to her, Olga was doing it solely for self-affirmation. The artist was outraged by this suggestion, and she hurried to explain. “When at the age of 16 to be a star, to assert itself in the eyes of other women you just don’t need!” – said Orlov the program “the invisible Man”.

Orlov helped Buzova through a very difficult divorce

Despite the fact that now Olga conceals personal life, in the transfer, which was released almost a year ago, she was told that her current lover was introduced to Zhanna Friske. Nevertheless, about any marriage out of the question.

“Carefully revise or re-read your sources,” said Orlov, correspondent of the edition “Days.ru”.