Olga Buzova's father remembered a curious fact from her childhood A parent certainly loves his daughter and praises her .

Olga Buzova's father remembered a curious fact from her childhood Recently Olga Buzova visited St. Petersburg, where her parents live. The singer's father and mother have been divorced for a long time, so she meets with them separately. Igor Buzov, having seen his daughter, succumbed to nostalgia and remembered what a developed child she was. u003d “Olga Buzova's father remembered a curious fact from her childhood” />

“Dad reminded me today that at the age of one I already spoke, and at one and a half I read fairy tales. At 3 I started learning English. I am silent about the fact that at 5 I went to school for years, “said the former host of Doma-2.

Buzova's subscribers were only amused by these words, and they asked where such outstanding intellectual abilities had disappeared with age. Read more: 1 2 3 next. →

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