Старые переживания разрушают нас, даже когда мы счастливы

Russian scientists have proved that stress and disease are closely related.

How many times in life have you heard the phrase, that all diseases of the nerves?

If you have not believed in those words, now is the time to think. Scientists from the Institute of higher nervous activity and neurophysiology Russian Academy of Sciences has conducted a number of studies proved that stress is a real poison for our brain, which literally kills the neurons.

Your experts report published in Metabolic Brain Disease. In the process of research, the scientists evaluated the effects of combined chronic stress on lab rats and found that in the hippocampus (“old cortex” of the brain) accumulate stress hormones, which trigger the development of neuroinflammation.

And the worst part is, even when the source of stress disappears, the inflammatory process does not stop.

What could be the consequences? Very sad.

Starting from the development of hypertension, emotional disorders, dementia, and ending with stroke and memory loss.

After such reports are once again thinking… is it worth it to freak out about the Euro, endure obnoxious boss? May well, all of them, after all the nerve cells don’t really regenerate.